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Mitchell County Hospital - Phase II - Rural Health Clinic

Location: Colorado City, Texas

Client: Mitchell County Hospital District

Project Completion: January 2017

Project Size: 26,700 Affected SF

Total Budget: $3,507,151

Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-16 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-2 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-1 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-3 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-21 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-20 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-23 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-5 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-4 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-19 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-11 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-7 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-8 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-17 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-18 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-9 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-10 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-12 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-13 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-14 (smaller size)
Mitchell County Clinic- ChapmanHarvey-15 (smaller size)

In order to accommodate the growing needs of the community, Chapman Harvey Architects was tasked with designing a new Rural Health Clinic to tie into the existing hospital both physically and aesthetically.


The Rural Health Clinic is the second phase of a master plan that Chapman Harvey Architects created to access and prioritize the need of the hospital. The new construction will allow the hospital to bring more health care workers on staff to better tend to the needs of the residents of Mitchell County.


The new clinic will provide enough rooms for six new doctors and accommodate the staff and area for them. This includes seventeen new patient rooms, six doctor’s offices, three large OB/Gyn patient rooms, large training and conference rooms, six nurse’s stations with 315 degree visibility of the patient floor and a day light energy efficient 1,400 square foot waiting room.

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