Lubbock Meals on Wheels
Chapman Harvey Architects was originally hired to add a small commercial kitchen and food storage to the Lubbock Meals on Wheels facility in 1997. In 2015, LMoW again hired CHA and team to design and build a new kitchen and food service area capable of preparing 1,600 meals a day. Design work began with the idea of submitting the conceptual design to the Talkington Foundation in the summer of 2015. The foundation awarded LMOW $2.2 million and LMoW has added approximately $1.5 million of their own funds. The construction documents were completed and LMoW has occupied their new kitchen, walk-in freezer and cooler, volunteer drivers’ food container pick-up and return, and administration area.
The project design team includes Chapman Harvey Architects, Agnew Associates, JQ Engineering, Teinert Commercial, N.D. White Engineering, Wilson Surveying, and Lubbock Labs Testing. This team has represented LMoW during design review and permit hearings with the City of Lubbock.
While the Client has requested many modifications to cabinet designs, interior finishes, and toilet fixtures, the project was completed under budget.